====== How OCAP affects AS9100 Companies ======
The revised [[https://www.sae.org/standards/content/as9104/1a/|SAE AS9104/1A]] requires AS 9100 CBs (Certification Bodies... AKA Registrars) to use the "//Organization Certification Analysis Process (OCAP)//" to determine an overall "risk rating" for each certified company. This "risk-rating" will then be used during audit planning — to provide reductions or increases (by ±10%, as per AS9104/1A, "//Table 9 - Audit Duration Risk Adjustments//") in certification and surveillance audit durations from baseline audit durations found in [[https://www.sae.org/standards/content/as9104/1a/|SAE AS9104/1A]], "Table 8 - Audit Duration Per Site".
3.8 Organization Certification Analysis Process (OCAP) \\ An interactive process between the organization and CB to determine the organization’s AQMS scope and associated certification audit program, and conduct a risk assessment for certification within the [[https://iaqg.org/certification/|ICOP scheme]].
//AQMS certified organizations shall provide data required by this standard, to their CB prior to initial, surveillance, and recertification audits for the completion of the OCAP analysis. \\ \\ NOTE: Failure to provide accurate and timely data may result in the issuance of a nonconformity by the CB and/or prevent certification.//Such a nonconformity would cite a failure to comply with the requirements of an "//interested party//" (i.e., the CB) and reference AS91xx, sec. 4.2, "Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties".
"//CBs shall require that organizations provide information regarding the use of additional aerospace standard(s) listed within the [[https://tst.iaqg.org/iaqg/publications/standardsregister.pdf|IAQG Standards Register]] during the initial Stage 1 audit and update, as needed, prior to surveillance or recertification audits (see Table 4)//".The most commonly invoked supplemental AS91xx standards are AS9102 (Aerospace first article inspection requirement) & 9146 (Foreign object debris – FOD). If a standard is contractually imposed on the company (e.g., by a customer) then additional time //may// be added to each site where the related processes are performed (ref. [[https://iaf.nu/en/iaf-documents-categories/|IAF MD5 "Determination of Audit Time for QMS-EMS-OHS Audits”]], sec. 8, "//Factors for Adjustments of Audit Time of Management Systems (QMS, EMS, and OH&SMS)//"). This new requirement is also intended to ensure that the CB assigns auditors who are competent in auditing compliance with those additional standards. {{page>wiki:pathforward}}