====== What is "Audit Duration" vs. "Audit Time" ====== [[https://iaf.nu/en/iaf-documents/?cat_id=7|IAF MD 5:2019, "Determination of Audit Time of Quality, Environmental, and Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems"]] (Issue 4, Version 2), Sec. 1, "Definitions", states:
**1.7. Duration of Management System Certification Audit**s \\ //Part of audit time (1.6) spent conducting audit activities from the opening meeting to the closing meeting, inclusive. \\ Note: Audit activities normally include: \\ • conducting the opening meeting \\ • performing document review while conducting the audit \\ • communicating during the audit \\ • assigning roles and responsibilities of guides and observers \\ • collecting and verifying information \\ • generating audit findings \\ • preparing audit conclusions \\ • conducting the closing meeting//
**1.6. Audit Time** \\ Time needed to plan and accomplish a complete and effective audit of the client organization’s management system ([[https://www.iso.org/obp/ui#iso:std:iso-iec:17021:-1:ed-1:v1:en:term:3.16|ISO/IEC 17021-1, sec. 3.16]]).At first glance, "Audit Duration" may appear to be the same as "Audit Time". However, [[https://iaf.nu/en/iaf-documents/?cat_id=7|IAF MD 5:2019]], sec. 2, "Application" clarifies this difference, stating:
**2.1. Audit Time** \\ 2.1.1. The audit time for all types of audits includes the total time on-site at a client's location (physical or virtual) (1.7) __and__ //time spent off-site carrying out planning, document review, interacting with client personnel and report writing.//In other words... the "Audit Duration" is a //portion// of the total "Audit Time". {{ :articles:audit_time_vs_duration_graphic_transp.png?direct&780 |}}