Improvement & Lean 6 Sigma


5S - Information (and Resources/Tools for Implemention)

BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) - Modern Flowcharting

Continuous Improvement... and TRIZ

DMAIC - For Improverment

Employee Engagement

How to Create Effective Procedures

Human Error: B-17 Landing Crashes During WW II

Kaizen - Separating the Myths from Reality

PDCA - The Origin Myth

Performance Boards and Obeyas

Reducing Waste: Through Coordinating Purchasing & Accounting

The 8 Wastes of Lean… and the story of “AR=0”

Using Red Team vs. Blue Team to Improve Quality

The “Voice of the Customer”… and the small pocket on jeans

The “Voice of the Customer”… and the "Pistol Port" that wasn't used as a "Pistol Port" on the M4 Sherman Tank

Traditional Business Management vs. Lean Six Sigma Management Approaches

TRIZ – Resolving Technical Contradictions

Visual Management... and Mule Tails

Visual Management... the Van Halen way

The 1911 - A History of Improvements